This is a big rally that you don't want to miss out. The following people will be speaking:
- Flight Attendants (from FREE to FLY
- Police on Guard - has a big announcement
- Frontline Workers Speak out
- People of the Salmon
- and many more interesting speakers
Vancouver Art Gallery
This is a NOT an anti-vaxx event. Vaccinated and UnVaccinated people come out to speak out.
We are all against the unnecessary restrictions that kill small businesses.
We are against the Vaxx Passport, which causes discrimination between the people and is against our Canadian human rights.
There is NO proof that Vaxx Passport can stop the spread of COVID.
There is a lot of evidence that Zinc, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C can increase the survival rate of COVID (99.8% survival rate), but the government is NOT promoting it.
Instead, this corrupt government is spreading FEAR and NOT putting more money into expanding the ICU's.