You probably heared or seen this many times. The World Economic Form wants you to
Is that possible? Well, with all these fear campaigns about the virus they have done a pretty job to let the people what the government wants.
Most Canadians were compliance to do unlawful mandates until the trucker convoy come and freezing their bank accounts.
Suddenly Canadians realize that their money is not safe in the Canadian banks.
Don't be surprise that the Government is going to use another fear campaign together with the main stream media. Remember majority of the Canadian TV media is funded and controlled by the government.
Here is the PROOF. It's not about safety, it's about TOTAL CONTROL!
They want to control over your money and life! Is this what you really want?
No one is defining the "end" of the vaccine passports. If all they're doing is lifting the mandates but not scrapping and outlawing the system entirely, then this is an empty gesture.
This government will simply reactivate the vax pass system, probably as an integrated part of Ontario's new Digital ID, as soon as "the science" announces a new magic virus or variant.
Yep that's right, the Ontario gov announced an all-encompassing Digital ID that will serve as a vax pass in addition to credentials for using bank accounts.
You choose: SLAVERY or FREEDOM? Act now before it's too late.
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