Most of society chooses (and it is a choice) to leave important matters to others while getting on with the daily distractions of life – going to work, shopping, juggling finances, and so on. We are quite content to be spoon-fed information so that we feel as though we are informed and educated about world events, and are able to make informed decisions when we need (or have) to.
So in our ill-informed and ill-educated trance, we react.
Some of society choose to look deeper into the event and look at ways to request that those ‘leaders’ of society take action to protect us, while others continue to pursue primitive gut reactions and take matters into their own hands, targeting anything and anyone they ignorantly think may be responsible in some way for the atrocity.
Human society has been this way for a very long time, and these kind of reactions have not lessened or been controlled through natural evolution. The only difference between today and a couple of hundred years ago is that there are more controls in place which attempt to mitigate extreme reactions. So (hopefully) those reactions do not result in spontaneous hangings or ‘kangaroo courts’.
As humans, when we hear reports such as those around the Woolwich incident we automatically ‘cherry-pick’ the parts that reinforce and justify our own perceptions and prejudices, ignoring important information and creating a biased analysis based on our own thoughts. That is unless we are aware that our immediate response is not necessarily based in fact, but in an illusion of the situation through our own thought processing.
About the author.
The author of this article has been involved in studying and implementing human behaviour controls for over 30 years. Their experience and training encompasses the military, international business, and psychology and mental health, having been trained by, and worked for, former members of British intelligence and the French Foreign Legion.